Feb 18, 2021
Titan was ranked #1 out of 60+ advisors for equity returns in 2020.
We're pleased to announce that Titan was ranked #1 out of 60+ investment advisors for total equity returns in 2020.
In 2020, Titan's after-fees results topped those of every other investment advisor tracked by Backend Benchmarking, including Fidelity, Vanguard, Personal Capital, TD Ameritrade, E*Trade, Wealthfront, and Betterment.
Below are some highlights. For the full report, please click the View Full Report button above.
Source: Backend Benchmarking. Represents total taxable equity portfolio returns through Q4 2020. The Robo Report is published each quarter. It measures portfolio performance from real accounts tracked by Backend Benchmarking, a third-party financial portfolio analytics platform. Results show Titan's net returns (after fees) for an Aggressive client in Q4 2020. See page 34.
"Titan's stated strategy is to bring exceptional returns to the average investor through a hedge fund-like approach. So far, it is delivering." - Backend Benchmarking (Feb. 2021)
Reminder: We make high-conviction bets in first-class companies that we believe can deliver outsized returns, while hedging your portfolio to protect your capital during periods of volatility.
While most investors today are focused on the market's exposure to Big Tech and the economy's re-opening post COVID, we believe Titan is extremely well-positioned regardless of the exact path of events from here onward.
If you've been holding excess cash on the sidelines, we recommend deploying it. You should own a bigger piece of our Flagship companies now, some of which have become "fallen angels" the past few months as many investors have sold them and shifted to short-term recovery plays.
One easy way to build your exposure to these high-quality companies: transfer an IRA, 401(k), 403(b), or taxable account to Titan in minutes. Just email a recent account statement to rollovers@titanvest.com and a member of our Rollover Concierge will assist you in moving the funds to Titan to start compounding.
Let us know if you have any questions. As always, we'll be working hard to deliver you the best results for your capital.
Disclosures: The returns shown above are based on a "normalized benchmarking" process undertaken by Backend Benchmarking: "The percentage allocated to equities in a portfolio is one of the largest drivers of returns. Because of this, comparing two portfolios that have a different level of equity allocation is difficult and can be misleading. Normalized Benchmarking controls for differences in equity holdings by adjusting the benchmark to match the equity/fixed income ratio of the portfolio. When this is done across a group of portfolios, the portfolios can then be measured against each other by their return above or below the benchmark specific to the portfolio."
In the Ranking portion of the report, Backend Benchmarking limits the robos to those that had a minimum of 2.25 years performance history within the account they track. This is why Titan among many other robo advisors are not covered in the Robo Ranking section of the report yet. We look forward to being covered in the full Robo Ranking in the future.