Active high-yield cash management with money market funds.
Exclusively for Titan clients.
* Yield is as of 3/14/2025. This represents the highest 7-Day Yield currently available among our options. Certain funds have specific investment minimums, which can be up to $3,000. Investors who invest amounts below these minimums may experience lower yields than those advertised. Yields are subject to change and will fluctuate over time. Please note that the yield is gross of the annual Advisory Fee of 0.20% & Titan Membership Fee.
Best for Earning a High Interest Rate
Give us the burden of managing your cash
We’re always hunting for the highest after-tax yield in low-risk Treasury money market funds. If we find a higher rate for you, we automatically move your cash to it.
It’s low-risk
Treasury money market funds are considered one of the lowest risk places to hold cash as the majority of the underlying securities are backed by the U.S. government.
You can access funds with ease
Smart Treasury is highly liquid, allowing you to start a withdrawal at any time. Withdrawals can be made without penalties or waiting on maturity dates, and typically are completed within a few business days.
Assumes an individual who resides in New York City, is Married Filing Jointly, and has a household income of $400,000.
Institution | Category | Pre-Tax | Post-Tax | Fees | Annual Earnings |
Money Market Funds | 4.25% | 2.68% | 0.20% | $2,469 | |
Just going after a high yield may sound like a good idea, but in many states, taxes can leave you with an unexpected hit. That’s why Smart Cash includes access to Treasury funds which can offer tax benefits. We scan across our treasury holdings to match you to your best after-tax rate based on your personal tax details.
Keep up to of your earnings
Annual Pre-Tax Earnings
Annual After-Tax Earnings
High Yield Savings Account
Traditional Savings Account
*Yield is as of 3/14/2025 and is the current 7-day yield, which is specific to VUSXX. The Yield is subject to change and will fluctuate, sometimes daily. Please note that the Yield is gross of the annual Advisory Fee of 0.20% & Titan Membership Fee.
The above table is for illustrative purposes only and calculations are estimates. This calculator assumes the highest income tax rate per state for a Married Individual filing Jointly and depositing into a taxable account. It also assumes the current yields remain constant for the duration of one year; which is unlikely for Smart Treasury due to the fluctuating nature of the 7-Day Yield. Actual tax savings may be less for a variety of reasons, including if you are in a lower income rate or if a different tax filing status applies. The APY for the High Yield Savings Account defaults to the average of the best high yield savings accounts, compiled by as of August 2024; and defaults to the average deposit rate outlined by FDIC as of August 2024 for Traditional Savings. All investments involve risk. Current yield is not a forecast or guarantee of future earnings. You should consult your legal, tax, or financial advisor before making any financial decisions.
The Yield and Pre-Tax Earnings shown are not inclusive of Titan's 0.20% annual advisory fee, but the Annual After-Tax Earnings are net of advisory fees. The Titan Membership Fee is not included in the Smart Treasury figures, which is separate from the advisory fee.
Smart Treasury consists of money market funds that primarily invest in U.S. Treasury and other U.S. government securities. It invests your available cash in the money market fund that aims to provide you with your highest anticipated after-tax yield among our options, taking into account factors such as your state of residence, tax filing status, adjusted gross income (or “taxable income”), and investment amount.
The advertised 7-day yields of the money market funds in Smart Treasury are not guaranteed, do not forecast future earnings, and are subject to market conditions. While these advertised yields are net of the money market fund’s fee expenses, they are not net of Titan’s annual Advisory Fee of 0.20% or the Membership Fee, as dividend payments from a money market fund are issued directly and do not automatically account for these Titan fees. Any earnings estimates provided by Titan account for the annual Advisory Fee but exclude the Membership Fee, since it is a flat dollar charge for access to the entire Titan platform and services beyond investment advisory, making it impractical to factor into these earnings estimates.
Titan's Smart Treasury strives for tax optimization, but after-tax calculations are estimates, and actual outcomes may vary. Titan maintains discretionary authority over your assets. Titan can provide general information and guidance, but it is not a tax professional, so any information provided should not be considered tax advice. Titan strongly recommends consulting a qualified tax professional for personalized tax advice and compliance with tax laws. Investments in Smart Treasury are not deposits and are not FDIC insured. For more information, refer to the Smart Treasury Risks & Disclosures document below.